How can I listen to your shows?

Aeaea’s shows are built with unique tech and features. To fully experience the extent of each series we’re developing our own media player for the web and app stores with a host of unique functionality. However, we will be releasing more ‘standard’ versions our shows wherever traditional podcasts can be found.

How do I create with Aeaea?

Aeaea focuses on scripted fiction programming. We both produce our own and welcome submissions from others. Sometimes we’ll ask for specific submissions, but we also may choose to pursue unsolicited submissions that peak our interest. Submissions can be sent to We cannot guarantee responding to all submissions, but we will do our best.

Do I have to pay to listen to your content?

Yes and no! Aeaea will have a mix of free and premium content. Creators will always get proceeds from our listener fees. With fair pricing we will be able to pay creatives what they deserve for their hard work while offering content that is affordable and accessible.

Do your shows have ads?

No. Never. At the end of our shows we’ll give some information about Aeaea, and where to find additional content for the show you’re watching, but we won’t have ads. Ever.