Chapter Seven

This week’s special double length episode marks the end of Part 1. Marie’s life is thrown into chaos as her wedding to Ferdinand approaches. In a moment of desperation she swore to obey her father, but at what cost? This week’s post show explores the history and anatomy of Synagogues.

With the end of part one, we will take a four week hiatus and return with new episodes September 14th.

Chapter Seven- 1:43

Postshow- 25:30


Arad, Dotan. “When the Home Becomes a Shrine: Public Prayers in Private Houses among the Ottoman Jews.” Domestic Devotions in the Early Modern World, edited by Marco Faini and Alessia Meneghin, vol. 59, Brill, LEIDEN; BOSTON, 2019, pp. 55–68. JSTOR, Accessed 10 June 2020.

Cohen, Julie-Marthe. “The Migration of Ceremonial Objects: the Case of the Amsterdam Portuguese Jewish Torah Mantle.” Studia Rosenthaliana, vol. 35, no. 2, 2001, pp. 200–213. JSTOR, Accessed 4 June 2020.

Mann, Vivian B. “Decorating Synagogues in the Sephardi Diaspora: The Role of Tradition.” Synagogues in the Islamic World: Architecture, Design and Identity, edited by Mohammad Gharipour, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2017, pp. 207–225. JSTOR, Accessed 4 June 2020.

RUBENS, KENNETH. “Bevis Marks Synagogue and the City Churches.” Jewish Historical Studies, vol. 37, 2001, pp. 117–131. JSTOR, Accessed 4 June 2020.


“Adon Olam” Arranged by Rev.  D.A. deSola and performed by the Shearith Israel Choir.

“Violin Sonata in A minor, Op. 5 No. 6” by Tomaso Albinoni

PerformersSonatori Fiorentini (baroque ensemble)

Publisher Info.OnClassical

CopyrightCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 

Chapter Six

As is often the case, the holiday season increases family tensions. The narrative returns to the Vale of Cedars, where Marie and Manuel reveal their secrets to one another threatening the fragile peace of that secret place. After the chapter we take a look into the Jewish holidays and customs which Grace Aguilar mentions in this chapter.

Chapter Five

Grace Aguilar explores Marie’s family history. We learn about the origin of the Vale of Cedars, as well as the roots of the turmoil Marie faces in her own life. In the post-show Zev explores the origins of New York City’s Aguilar Library, which extend back to the formation of the New York Public Library.


Beck, Nelson R. “The Use of Library and Educational Facilities by Russian-Jewish Immigrants in New York City, 1880-1914: The Impact of Culture.” The Journal of Library History (1974-1987), vol. 12, no. 2, 1977, pp. 128–149. JSTOR, Accessed 24 May 2020.

“New York’s Free Circulating Libraries: The Mission of the Public Library in the Gilded Age.” Reading Publics: New York City's Public Libraries, 1754-1911, by Tom Glynn, Fordham University Press, New York, 2015, pp. 199–221. JSTOR, Accessed 24 May 2020.

Chapter Four

This chapter returns us to the narrative of The Vale of Cedars with the introduction of a new character, Ferdinand Morales. We learn a great deal about this hero of Spain, including a secret he keeps even from his most intimate friend, Queen Isabella. In the post show Zev talks about the secret Jews of Spain and how learning more about them sheds light on the question of self-identity.


Yovel, Yirmiyahu. The Other Within: The Marranos: Split Identity and Emerging Modernity. Princeton University Press, 2009. JSTOR, Accessed 21 May 2020


Songs in this episode:

Song of the Wanderers (Rosati, Dante)

Performer: Dante Rosati

Publisher: Dante Rosati

Chapter Three

Grace Aguilar takes a break from her story of romance, to give us some historical context. She gives an overview of the tumultuous history of the crown of Spain, the environment in which Ferdinand and Isabella united the crowns of Aragon and Castile. She also talks about the history of Spanish Jewery and the earliest roots of the Inquisition. Zev gives a brief post show reacting to her account on historical events.

Chapter 3- 1:29

Postshow- 19:20


Cohen, Martin A. “Antonio Díaz De Cáceres: Marrano Adventurer in Colonial Mexico.” American Jewish Historical Quarterly, vol. 60, no. 2, 1970, pp. 169–184. JSTOR, Accessed 24 May 2020.

Vose, Robin. “Faction, Politics, and Dominican Inquisitors in the Fourteenth-Century Crown of Aragon.” The Friars and Their Influence in Medieval Spain, edited by Francisco García-Serrano, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2018, pp. 191–220. JSTOR, Accessed 08 May 2020.

Yovel, Yirmiyahu. The Other Within: The Marranos: Split Identity and Emerging Modernity. Princeton University Press, 2009. JSTOR, Accessed 21 May 2020.

Chapter Two

Chapter Two introduces us to the mysterious Marie. We learn about Marie and Arthur’s shared past, and Arthur discovers a secret which rattles and challenges him. It appears that these two protagonists have a dark future ahead of them. In this episode’s post show, I give an introduction to the life and work of the author, Grace Aguilar.

Chapter 2- 01:49

Postshow- 17:40


Abrahams, Beth-Zion Lask. “Grace Aguilar: A Centenary Tribute.” Transactions (Jewish Historical Society of England), vol. 16, 1945, pp. 137–148. JSTOR, Accessed 26 April 2020.

Galchinsky, Michael. “MODERN JEWISH WOMEN'S DILEMMAS: GRACE AGUILAR'S BARGAINS.” Literature and Theology, vol. 11, no. 1, 1997, pp. 27–45. JSTOR, Accessed 26 April 2020

Scheinberg, Cynthia. “Introduction: Re-Mapping Anglo-Jewish Literary History.” Victorian Literature and Culture, vol. 27, no. 1, 1999, pp. 115–124. JSTOR, Accessed 26 April 2020.


Zigeunerweisen, Op.20 (Sarasate, Pablo de)


Jean-Claude Féret (violin), Christine Féret (piano)

Publisher Info.

Jean-Claude Féret, Christine Féret


Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0

Misc. Notes

Recorded in a concert of Eastern European music, in a castle in France around 1984

4, Aquarel (Alink, Bert)

Performed and Published by Bert Alink

Edited for length

The Nightingale (Alink, Bert)

Performed and Published by Bert Alink

Edited for length

Chapter One

In the first chapter of our story an English nobleman named Arthur Stanley searches the Spanish countryside for some mysterious goal. After the episode I give a very brief introduction to the Wars of the Roses.

Chapter 1 - 01:21

Postshow- 13:50


Caazapá (Barrios Mangoré, Agustín)

Performer Edson Lopes, guitar

Publisher Info. Lope Studio

Edited for length


Habanera (Cottin, Alfred)

Performed and Published by Bert Alink

Edited for length

Welcome to the Vale of Cedars

Welcome to The Vale of Cedars!

We’re starting off with an Episode 0. If you’ve never listened to a 0 Episode, it’s just a quick introduction to what this series is all about. This mini episode is an introduction to what you can expect from The Vale of Cedars.I introduce myself, the book, and what shape the podcast will take.